Golden Earring Ahoy 2008


Het is nog een heel eind weg, maar zet nu maar alvast in de agenda: 5 februari 2008 – Ahoy Rotterdam.

Golden Earring has planned a new great show, based on the successful Ahoy Rotterdam concert in 2006 + the DVD release. You can expect a spectacular performance, an impressive scenery, video walls and a great flashing lightshow. Tickets: € 35,00 / € 33,00 / € 31,00 (excl. service costs). Showtime: 8.15 pm

Tickets for this show are available at Ticket Service, Post offices, Free Record Shops, VVV's and GWK's or 0900-3001250 (ticketservice hotline).

De kaartverkoop begint op zaterdag 27 januari om 10:00 u.

Baba O'RileyRock On......


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